If nobody knew me, the economy tanked, and I had only a cell phone and a computer, this is exactly what I'd do to manifest money
Here's what we're doing...
  • ​We're going to apply the best law of attraction and manifestation methods to Manifest Money
  • We're going to launch a BRAND new product online
  • ​We're going to build an e-mail list
  • ​We're going to build a CONSISTENT income with a diversified sales process
Here's how we'll do it...
  • ​A minimum of 2 times per week I'll upload new content showing exactly what I'm doing and why.
  • ​Weekly, I'll answer all your submitted questions in a video Q&A.
  • ​You'll gain access to a member's only community. 
  • ​A computer, cell phone, and internet access.
  • ​You don't copy the exact same product and funnels we use. E.g. apply to your own business the principles. Don't copy the exact steps for my product please.
  • ​Patience. Anticipate challenges which we will have to overcome. Likely we will test various things and some will work (we'll do more) and some won't (we'll stop doing those). This is the NORMAL path to achieving success.
  • ​You'll learn a skill all business owners want: how to manifest money and make more sales.
  • ​You'll learn by watching how to apply "The Secret" to a new product taking it from idea to sales online.
  • ​As with any new business, there likely will be challenges that need to be overcome.
  • ​There is no guarantee that you will earn any amount of money by modeling what I am doing.
  • ​I've been doing this for over 20 years and it typically is not easy.
  • ​You need to have sticking power and see it through to the end of the class. If you quit or give up easily or want "overnight success" then this is definitely NOT for you.
Class starts...
  • ​June 1 
Registration ends...
  • When the timer reaches 0.
The investment...
  • $97
  • ​That's it. It's ridiculously low PLUS you also get FREE access to the Power Life System course for manifesting money (valued at $147)
  • ​That's just $1.62 per day for the 60 days, less than a coffee at a local donut shop.

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Additional Disclaimer:

This is not a business opportunity and is intended for business owners to learn methods they can use to expand their businesses.

I will be advertising online and all advertising has an element of risk.

Most of not all advertising campaigns do not work completely the first time. The process of applying the manifesting and law of attraction methods and common sense solution finding is an incredibly valuable skill. 

There is no guarantee that I will make any money, make any sales, or that you following these methods will either. Most people do not do what is taught and since I've never done this before (it's a new product), I have no idea how well it will do or not.

If you have a low risk tolerance or want something that requires no effort or issue solving, then this is not for you. 
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